Wednesday, September 26, 2007

You know you need to take a break from writing when...

You know you need to take a break from writing when....

1) You start to use the same phrases, adjectives, and verbs over and over and over again. You get the idea.

2) You write a chapter's concluding remarks around Kafka's ideas of human-animal relations. This would be okay if you are a literary criticism Ph.D. candidate focusing on the existentialist movement...but not when you're an archaeologist.

3) Suddenly everything becomes way more interesting than your writing. Cleaning the fridge out never seemed so appealing until now!

4) You develop an unusual interest in horribly bad tv - reality tv shows that involve washed up rock or hip-hop stars on VH1, for example. And you don't even like tv.

5) You are up until 2am writing this list.


Phoenix said...

you forgot " a growing addiction to other people's blogs..."

famousblueraincoat said...

Oh no - that's been going on since the late 1990s...when blogs started appearing. I have some I've been reading since then. I love procrastinating!